HTC 8s Will Not Be Receiving Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 |

HTC 8s Will Not Be Receiving Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1

The high-end 8X on the other hand will.


It is indeed time for the annual purge, in which Microsoft lets go of devices that it can no longer support. First it was move from WP 7 to WP 8 and just recently the Nokia X Series. Of course for the humble HTC 8S it is indeed a death that came too early. The official HTC Windows Phone forums have now revealed that the HTC 8S will indeed not be moving beyond the Windows Phone 8.1.

HTC blames Windows Phone 8.1 (WP 8.1) Update 1’s high memory requirement for this. Clearly, 4 GB of internal memory isn’t enough and its not the 512 MB of RAM to blame here. So we guess that the Nokia Lumia 530 would be next in line on the chopping block as the device also sports the same 4 GB of internal memory.

As for the close shave of the HTC 8X, the handset will indeed get the WP 8.1 Update 1 but only after testing, meaning that we should not expect it any time soon. At this very moment, HTC has refused to give any time frame for the update, so we guess these owners are better off with the Preview for Developers instead.

Microsoft is indeed hanging on to dear life as the Windows Phone Platform keeps on growing, since a majority of its users own devices with 512 MB RAM and 8 GB of memory. One wrong step with the software and the entire market share which has been built on such budget to mid-range devices could indeed mean the end of the OS. Again, unlike Android which keeps up with the latest hardware, 512 MB RAM is limiting even for Windows Phone as can be seen from the buggy app performance on such devices. Will Microsoft eventually give in and move to high end devices with 1 GB RAM in order to improve its OS? Only time will tell.

[Also Read: Low RAM Handsets Rule The Windows Phone Marketplace]

TAGS: Mobile Phones, Software, HTC, Microsoft, Windows Phone
