Samsung Sheds Some Light On The “Camera Failed” Issue With Its GALAXY S5 |

Samsung Sheds Some Light On The “Camera Failed” Issue With Its GALAXY S5

Blames complications in the ROM for the failure of the camera.


Samsung has been gaining a lot of media attention lately. The first reason being the success of its GALAXY S5 flagship and second also being the GALAXY S5. It seems that users are reporting a faulty camera issue which started off just in the US but now seems to be spreading to other countries as well. Samsung now confirmed that the issue is with the ROM (software) that the device runs on; although the Korean electronics giant refused to comment about how they would fix the issue.

The issue began with Verizon owners reporting that their shiny new GALAXY S5 handsets began showing a ‘Warning - Camera Failed’ error when launching the camera application. After having a word with Verizon, the issue was still unresolved as no amount of software resets seemed to solve the issue. Soon enough a number of S5 owners worldwide also began reporting the same.

Reuters reported that Samsung had the following to say regarding the issue:

"We have discovered that the issue has been seen in a very limited portion of early production GALAXY S5 units, and was caused by complications in the ROM (Read Only Memory) component which stores the information necessary to operate the camera,"

For beginners, we are glad that Samsung has confirmed that there is an issue with their newly launched flagship handset. If you happen to have one of those faulty units, you should head to your nearest service centre to get the issue rectified wherein the company may exchange your handset for a new one.

We guess it pays to wait till the first stocks of any new gadget in the market to get sold off, since the early devices usually have their share of undetected problems.

TAGS: Mobile Phones, Android, Samsung
