Windows Phone 8.1 Can Be On Your Phone By The 14th Of April |

Windows Phone 8.1 Can Be On Your Phone By The 14th Of April

The developer edition is said to be seeding out in a few weeks.


We loved every bit of change that we saw on stage at the Build 2014 conference, but hated the fact that there will be a long waiting period. Yes, we are talking about the Windows Phone 8.1 update that was announced by Microsoft just two days ago. But there is way to cut the queue and get the latest update as early as the 14th of April.

The developer edition of Windows Phone 8.1 is slated to get an April 14 release date. More importantly, it’s free so you can fidget around as much as you like. Microsoft’s developer preview program actually allows developers to download the latest version of the software for free. This is for the sole purpose of getting a head start on their work of optimising their apps for it. But you don’t need to be a developer to download it, anyone with an unlocked Windows Phone 8 device will be able to update to it.

So if you are ready to fool around with Cortana or play with the new parallax start screens, you don’t have to wait for your manufacture to give it to you.

To get the update, you will either need to be a registered app developer or have registered for Microsoft's App Studio program. But there is a catch, developer editions will have some bugs, which Microsoft plans to flatten out until the final release in a couple of months. So do not expect a smooth bug-free experience just yet.

TAGS: Software, Windows Phone, Microsoft
