WikiLeaks To Launch TV Show |

WikiLeaks To Launch TV Show

30-minute weekly series to interview "key political players, thinkers, and revolutionaries".


WikiLeaks has announced that Julian Assange will get his own TV show soon. The man responsible for exposing embarrassing secrets across the globe will interview "key political players, thinkers and revolutionaries" in weekly episodes running for 30 minutes each. The show will be ready to air in the month of March, although the press release makes no mention of which television networks will host it. However, the non-profit organisation has claimed to already have licencing commitments that will give the upcoming show a viewer base of 600 million across cable, satellite, and terrestrial broadcast networks.

"Through this series I will explore the possibilities for our future in conversations with those who are shaping it. Are we heading towards utopia, or dystopia and how we can set our paths?", expounds Assange on the ethos of the show.

Considering the history of political witch hunts against Wikileaks and the incisive nature of its journalism, it will be interesting to see the lineup of guests willing to participate in the endeavour.

TAGS: Internet, Security, Nachiket
