Yahoo! Bids Adieu To |

Yahoo! Bids Adieu To

Kills 12 services, many relatively unknown, in its clean up drive.


Not many people realise how many products Yahoo! actually has up and running. But that is only until the company decided to pull the plug on them. The brand is all set to kill (has already mowed down) some services, many of which I didn’t even realise existed. In them is the Yahoo! RSS Alerts, the company's own RSS reader, which incidentally dies on the same day as Google Reader. Sadly, not too many users seem to be crying on the demise of this one. Apart from that, one other notable addition is the search portal AltaVista that had been into existence for 18 long years. Losing a dwindling battle to Google, the service probably survived this long because maybe Yahoo! forgot of its existence. A note from a user sums it all up: "RIP AltaVista, we’ll miss you. Probably not though. Honestly it’s a miracle you’ve existed this long. I was surprised to find out, for sure. Heck, it’s a miracle Yahoo search exists still".

Moving along, the list of not-so-popular services include a celebrity gossip site (Yahoo! Stars India), a web player (Yahoo! WebPlayer), and a music service (FoxyTunes). But the internet giant has alternatives for everything; here's a list of service that will see the end of the existence, with death knell dates. Click here for details, which also tells you what options you can look at.

  • Yahoo! Axis, 28th June.
  • Yahoo! Browser Plus, 28th June.
  • Citizen Sports, 28th June.
  • Yahoo! WebPlayer, 30th June.
  • FoxyTunes, 1st July.
  • Yahoo! RSS Alerts, 1st July.
  • Yahoo! Neighbors Beta, 8th July.
  • AltaVista, 8th July.
  • Yahoo! Stars India, 25th July.
  • Yahoo! Downloads Beta, 31st July 31.
  • Yahoo! Local API, 28th September.
  • Yahoo! Term Extraction API, 28th September.

TAGS: Internet, Yahoo!
