Facebook Developer Announces App Development Contest For India On 19th May | TechTree.com

Facebook Developer Announces App Development Contest For India On 19th May

Smartphones and iPads will be awarded by KRDS for building "exciting" apps.


It's good to be an app developer these days. Yesterday, we informed you about the Samsung Smart App Challenge 2012, and now there is a KRDS FaceCode contest coming your way. As its name suggests, the contest is about creating apps for Facebook. Although this one doesn't have prize money amount to several crores, it's still a good platform to show off your app building skills.

According to the press release, the event has a "Write the Future" theme, and will encourage the participants to develop apps on national issues such as corruption, educations, and traffic woes. Those building impressive apps in this 24-hour contest, will be awarded prizes such as smartphones and iPads.

The FaceCode contest will start on 19th May, and is open for skilled, as well as newbie developers. Those wanting to participate can post their queries on KRDS's FB page or send an email to [email protected]. However, do keep in mind that the registrations are open only until 8 PM on 18th May.

TAGS: Contests, Apps, Facebook, ck
