Apple's Really Gunning For Gaming |

Apple's Really Gunning For Gaming

It's all about fun and games.

Apple's Really Gunning For Gaming

Traditionally, Apple has never been known for gaming, primarily because Steve Jobs never bothered about it with Macs. But with Apple's entry into iPhone and iPad, games have become the biggest seller on iTunes, suprassing music sales.

64-bit Processor
The current flagship iPhone 5S comes bundled with a powerful 64-bit processor. If you are thinking that Apple just wanted to make something different, think again. The 64-bit A7 and the sensor-processing M7 for everyday gaming would just be an overkill. This is Apple, not Samsung we are talking about.

Bigger Games
Graphics are a big part of gaming and Infinity Blade III proves it on the iOS7. This is clearly Apple encouraging developers to create bigger, more immersive titles for mobile.

Mobile Gaming Controllers
Touchscreens aren't the best when it comes to gaming, Sony and Nintendo knows this, but yet sales are at a slump for them. Ubiquity of mobile devices is what helps push gaming and Apple knows. In fact, Apple has already announced the compatibility of iOS7 with Apple-sanctioned mobile gaming controllers.

The gaming controller that wraps around iPhone
Image courtesy Mashable

More Games
Apple has already cleared Gameloft SEes Playmobil Pirates and Dungeon Hunter 4 with more games waiting for approval. Electronic Arts is also taking advantage of the cross platform API OpenGS ES 3.0 interface, which is currently supported by flagships such as Google Nexus 4, HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4, and Sony Xperia Z; with iPhone 5S next in line.

Apple TV
This is the missing link as of now. Apple TV could easily knock off gaming on the big screen competing instantly with the likes of Sony PS Vita TV and the Ouya. This remains to be seen, but nonetheless in Apple's cards.

"Bicycle For The Mind"
Steve Jobs has been known to be hostile towards gaming over the past, but over the recent years we've see otherwise and this little snippet from 1990's by mlflims shows Steve Jobs talking about gaming as not just games, but as a piece of larger vision.

Tags : Gaming, Apple